Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New fundraising total!

Hello everyone! 
 I just wanted to give you my Week 2 update!  I have been so blessed to receive several donations by check and online the past couple of weeks.  You all have been so generous in donating that I just wanted to use this update to thank all of my contributors thus far!

Center for Facial Pain and Dental Sleep Medicine: Prehn Family - $350
Nieves Bonmati Lawrence - $250
Chris Kenny - $200
Anonymous donor - $200
Chris Cooper - $100
James Lawrence - $100
Ocampo Family - $100

My grand total is now $1,300.00!! I am 37.1% on my way to going to Sudan this summer!  The immense support I am receiving from everyone has really helped motivate me to get the whole trip sponsored.  I am a medical student on government loans for the next few years so I appreciate any way you can help out. 

I have to start getting all my immunizations soon so keep posted to see how all of THAT goes!  There are a lot!

Thanks again to all of my contributors! Please continue to keep all those in South Sudan in your prayers.

“We are called by scripture to give the world hope, and we aim to prove that no one should stop short of doing amazing things.” – The Radler Family

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Inspiration: pictures and video

Here are some pictures and a video that initially inspired me to pursue this journey.  One of my classmates, Liz Levacy, traveled with MHI last summer and these pictures are a documentation of her trip.  She worked in Kajo Keji county while in South Sudan.  I will be serving the same group of people when I travel there this summer. 

Mobile Health International promo video

 Devotion and love

 Sorting through grain

 Pure beauty

Women carry the bulk of the workload

Community day: building a house

Hope in God's love

No money can guarantee this happiness

The need.  Lining up to receive treatment


 Praising our Creator through Sunday worship

It brings tears to my eyes imagining how I will be able to bring comfort and hope to many families.  I will be living their life for a few weeks.  I will learn their ways and leave some of my own.  

My hope is that God will use me as an instrument in painting a future full of hopes and dreams. 

All photography is by Liz Levacy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Help me go to South Sudan!

Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you know, I am currently a first year medical student in Fort Worth, TX at the University of North Texas Health Science Center.  My first year is almost over and is proving to be quite a challenging and humbling experience.  I am realizing that giving of my time and efforts to those in need is my priority and my call in life.  This is why I have decided to travel to Africa in June 2012 to help the war displaced and extremely impoverished communities in South Sudan. 
I will be going to South Sudan with East African Ministries, a nonprofit 501c3 organization. 

East African Ministries exists to practically demonstrate the love of Christ and strengthen God’s Kingdom by promoting sustainable solutions for clean water, health care and leadership development to unreached communities in East Africa.  Each project of EAM is designed to reveal Christ’s commitment to the people of East Africa by providing services and support that improve their daily lives, strengthen their communities and empower village churches.   

Over fifty years of violent conflict and political turmoil have left the South Sudanese with practically a non-existent healthcare system.  In a country with an estimated population of ten million, less than 30% have access to healthcare services of any kind.  Because most South Sudanese live in rural communities, many have to walk days to the nearest healthcare center with no guarantee that they will receive treatment.  Women and children are the most vulnerable.  South Sudan has the #1 maternal mortality rate in the world.  A 15 year old girl in South Sudan is more likely to die in childbirth than complete school.  Equally as shocking as this is the lack of healthcare knowledge among the communities.  Most have lived the majority of their lives in refugee camps during the war and are unfamiliar with basic health and sanitation practices.  As a result, a large percentage of the population dies from preventable diseases. 

Mobile Health International is the team that I will be serving with while in South Sudan.  Our main focus in all that we do will be to use each outreach as a means of sharing the gospel with the community through one on one discipleship, bible studies, and worship services.  Along with this we will be providing immunizations and basic medical healthcare.  Our education training will focus on sanitation and hygiene, maternal health, malaria prevention, HIV and AIDS prevention and the importance of clean water. 

I am embarking on this journey because I want a chance at spreading my faith to others through discipleship and healthcare.  I have been so blessed in my life that I want to share all that I have been given with the poor in these communities.  I want to see families smile with hope.  I want to see mothers live to raise their children.  I want to see lives changed through the hope found in God’s love.  This is why I am asking you to prayerfully consider sponsoring me in this mission.  Any donation is appreciated.  My fundraising goal is $3,500.00 to serve for one month in South Sudan.  This money will go towards my traveling expenses as well as providing some healthcare and clothing supplies to take to the communities.  If you choose to make a tax-deductible donation to my mission, you can donate online through my fundraising page: Help Pilar go to South Sudan!.  You can also donate by a check made payable to Mobile Health International.  The mailing address is:

The Radler Foundation
3131 West 7th Street, Suite 400
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Please include my full name (Pilar McKay) on any donation made.  All proceeds are tax deductible and directly benefit my trip.  I completely understand if you cannot donate at this time.   I just ask that you please keep our team and the communities in South Sudan in your prayers this summer!

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and considering making a donation to such a great cause.  I will be updating my blog and fundraising page with details about my upcoming trip and how I am doing on my fundraising goal! 

Thank you for the support and prayers!