Today we went to the orphanage and got to play with tons of little kids. I was hesitant before going because the thought of kids not having a family breaks my heart. Almost if not more than sick children. We had a great time though and I especially loved playing with the little ones. They ran to the entrance when we arrived and just wanted to be held. So sweet. Poor things all were covered in urine and snot but had the happiest faces I've seen in a while. Just a hug or a kiss made their day. Not going to lie, at first it was hard holding the kids while I was covered in urine but I reminded myself that they are God's children in need of love right now. I quickly got over it. It was well organized at least and the kids seemed happy and healthy for the most part. Not as depressing as I thought it would be.
We also went to visit Emmanuel's grandparents' house to see their hands. It was good to visit the elderly. They were really happy. We watched a great movie, Courageous, about 4 men living out their Godly call to be fathers. Cheesy but really inspirational. Can I just say that I experienced one of the sweetest moments with Apoka while we were watching the movie? His sweet innocence and faith in God truly made me realize how pure people are here. Bold and honest. That's what I love about life here. There aren't as many false pretenses as in the US. No guarding yourself because you don't know the others' intentions. Just waiting on God to present opportunities for you to reveal what Jesus has done in your life. Beautiful.
I think I'm already getting a little bit of culture shock after talking to my family. They were not being offensive nor meant to hurt me but all the same it kind of did. For the first time in life I have found people who lay down their lives for others, wanting no compensation for it. I can relate so much more to people here than I can at home in the US. There is something off in my relationships with Americans. I am not studying medicine with the hopes of earning much money. I do not care about money! I want to help souls truly in need. I would gladly give my time and efforts for the absolute minimum. My family does not always understand this about me. I feel like all they want is for me to be a hot shot doctor with lots of money. The Lord knows my heart and even if I stand alone with no support, I will follow what God has put on my heart. I don't know His plan for my life yet but I trust Him to show me. I just pray that my eyes will be open to whatever He wants me to do. He has been very clear in the past and even recently in my afflictions about becoming a doctor. He showed me the great need for medical Lord let your will be done. Lord, please help me be still and enjoy everyday that you give me because it is truly precious.
Playing with the kids on the floor. The floor is covered in urine, etc. and most of the kids were sick. They all wanted to be touched and that's what I did!
See how happy they are?
Kids will be kids. These two were fighting over who got naturally I tried to hold both little boys. Couldn't quite do it. Must be a mom thing.
This little girl had just been brought in to the orphanage with malaria. She was crying up a storm and had a horrible fever. I sang to her and rocked her to sleep. That alone confirmed that I was sent here to touch even the tiniest lives. Defining moment.
Day 12 - KK, South Sudan
Today service began around 9:30am and we finally left after communion at 1:00pm. Service is still not over and it's 2:00pm. Got to love African First Baptist Church! I'm still struggling with the assumption that people here do not like the Catholic faith. I think that they believe that most are raised Catholic but not practicing. This obviously frustrates me because I am not only a firm believer but also practice the faith. They know I am Catholic and see me reading my Bible so hopefully they don't judge me. God, give me peace because I am really being open to their faith. After lunch we spent the day counting pills and organizing the pharmacy. We decided to undertake the big task of alphabetizing all the drugs so that it would be easy to find. It took so long and was hard work but I'm really glad I helped because Norma needed it. I went on a run and came back, ate, and relaxed with a movie. Great Sunday!
Just hanging out in the field wanting a picture!
Day 13 - KK, South Sudan
Today we woke up with it raining and we are blessed because it waters the crops. I'm so used to sunny days at home that I think rainy days are dreary. Need to be positive. We are testing staff for glasses and organizing the pharmacy again. We are supposed to be going to Pure tomorrow with MHI but Godfrey went to check the roads. Apparently there is a stream that you cannot cross if it has been raining. Lord let your will be done.
We went to the hospital this afternoon to see how baby Issac was doing. I was nervous that He had died BUT we heard that they had been discharged! The mama was still there with her babies! She looked so much healthier and baby Isaac looked great! He was suckling and his eyes were wide open. Such a miracle that our prayers were answered. On our way to run our errands, we were listening to praise & worship songs in the car. I started tearing up about leaving here. I see myself living this life. I really do. I feel at home more than I do in the states. The people are simply amazing and the love of God is so beautiful. Passion. I don't know where God is leading me but I firmly believe that I was sent on this trip for a purpose and I will just trust God to let His plan known to me. God, I just pray to be obedient. I read a lot of great Scripture today about not only talking about your faith, but living out the Word. Lord, help me...I'm going to try and do this more. Jesus, I trust in You. -- Maranatha --
Baby Isaac is on the right! What a difference from this right?
This is my video for the post. These are the older children at the orphanage singing for us. Love it!