Spiritual day. This was such and awesome experience here in Africa. WE were told that noone was to work and that the whole EAM staff was to go on retreat in the field to study the Word of God. We left at 10:30am for the field and started with Kuku/English worship songs. We then had 1.5 hours of personal prayer time afterwards. A few of us hiked up a small mountain and I read my Bible and praised our Lord on a rock overlooking the country. I had such an experience of being in love with what God has blessed this country with and the beautiful relationships. People here are so much happier than back home. We cam back to the compound walking for 1.5 hours. I love doing this because you really get to experience the culture and the people. I practice my Kuku and take pictures. Great. I wanted to take a picture of one of the UN vehicles or compounds but it's not allowed. The UN still governs the country and it reminds me of Nazi Germany in a way. Crazy. When we got back the guys had the ATVs which had just arrived. They were having a great time playing with them so Jess and I got on (naturally!) and went for a ride. So much fun! On the way back we got to drive and I was driving Alex, 28. We probably looked not very lady-like driving through town full speed, straddling a "bike" in pants and a helmet. For the most part I've been very good about keeping with the cultural norms....but sometimes I've gotta let my rougher side out and have fun! We ate dinner then went to overnight prayer at 9:30pm. They sang and danced worship songs. It was so great! It almost made me cry because of the pure joy and dedication to the Lord. It was intermixed with Bible readings and prayer. It reminded me of adoration and made me miss mass and my Catholic routine at home. I'm hesitant on asking where the Catholic church is here but I do know that one guy on staff is Catholic. The staff was predominantly Protestant and I knew that coming in. I am a very open minded Catholic in that I appreciate and understand others beliefs and love to listen to people's life story regardless of any religious affiliation. I'm not here to judge. I'm only on this earth to love and care for my brothers and sisters. That being said, I hold fast to my Catholic beliefs and I strive on a daily basis to lead the life in which I believe. I'm not great with words so sometimes when things are said about Catholics I tend to shut down and just pray that God shows himself through me. God give me strength! Anyways, I definitely feel like today was needed to thank God for my life and pray. Tomorrow the orphanage and hospital. Happy day!
Disclaimer: A few days without a shower. This is little MJ and typically how mamas carry babies here in Africa! So comfortable and they fall right to sleep.
Some kids wanting a picture. They love cameras!
I spotted these few boys walking down a road hand in hand. The oldest siblings take care of the little ones most of the time and it's so cute to see!
Walking between the crops (one of my favorite places to walk here)!
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